The World Veterinary Poultry Association

History and past presidents of the WVPA

The World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA) was formed in 1959, the honour of being the first President of the Association going to Professor de Blieck and that of Secretary to Dr R.F. Gordon, who had both championed its formation.

The First WVPA Conference (the name ‘‘Congress’’ was not applied until the third meeting) took place in Utrecht in 1960. The second Conference (1962) and the third Congress (1965) were in Cambridge and Paris, respectively. The fourth Congress, in Belgrade (1969), was a landmark one for two reasons: firstly, submitted papers were introduced, and secondly, the notion of a WVPA journal, later to be called Avian Pathology, was first discussed.

A year later (1970) the journal came into being, Professor Klimes (Czhechoslovakia), the driving force behind its creation, being the first Editor-in-Chief, with Professor Kosic (Yugoslavia) as production Editor. Due to the ill health of Professor Klimes, Peter Biggs was confirmed as Editor-in-Chief in 1973. A charitable company, Avian Pathology Ltd, was formed in 1980, under which Avian Pathology was published. Dr L.N. (Jim) Payne succeeded Dr Biggs as Editor-in-Chief in 1988. The fifth and six Congresses were in Munich (1973) and Atlanta, Georgia, USA (1977), respectively. Four years later, at the Oslo Congress, it was agreed that the rather crude logo adopted at the fourth Congress should improved.

This was done and is the current logo. On the 25th anniversary (1985) of the first WVPA Congress, the eighth Congress was held in Jerusalem. Membership had increased to almost 1000, with members in 39 countries, 22 of which had branches of WVPA. In 4 years it will be time to publish an account of the second 25 years in the history of the WVPA.

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“The World Veterinary Poultry Association: the beginnings and first 25 years” was written by P. M. Biggs and published in Avian Pathology, the journal of the WVPA. Click the PDF logo view or download this article: WVPA History, by P. M. Biggs

Past Presidents of the WVPA

Year Name Country
2015 Mr Nigel E. Horrox United Kingdom
2012 Dr Trevor Bagust Australasia
2005 Prof. Dr Hafez M. Hafez Germany
2001 Prof. Dr E. F. Kaleta Germany
1997 Prof. Dr J. L. Spencer Canada
1993 Dr L. N. Payne United Kingdom
1989 Dr G. Bennejean France
1985 Dr Y. Samberg Israel
1981 Dr Dr h.c. P. M. Biggs United Kingdom
1977 Dr B. R. Burmester USA
1973 Prof. Dr I. Gylstorff Germany
1969 Prof. Dr P. P. Levine USA
1967 Dr R. F. Gordon United Kingdom
1960 Prof. Dr A. Brion France
1959 Prof. Dr I. de Blieck Netherlands


Honorary Life Presidents of the WVPA

Year Name Country
2015 Prof. Dr Hafez M. Hafez Germany
2011 Dr U. Heffels-Redmann Germany
2011 Prof. Dr E. F. Kaleta Germany
2005 Prof. Dr J. L. Spencer Canada
2005 Prof. Dr Mehmet Akan Turkey
2001 Dr L. N. Payne United Kingdom
1997 Dr G. Bennejean France
1997 Prof. Dr J. Meszaros Hungary
1995 Dr Y. Samberg Israel
1989 Dr Dr h.c. P. M. Biggs United Kingdom
1985 Dr B. R. Burmester USA
1981 Prof. Dr I. Gylstorff Germany
1973 Prof. Dr P. P. Levine USA
1969 Dr R. F. Gordon United Kingdom
1967 Prof. Dr A. Brion France
1960 Prof. Dr I. de Blieck Netherlands