The World Veterinary Poultry Association

awards and travel grants
Awards and Travel Grants
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WVPA Travel Grants

The WVPA has monies available from which it can provide travel grants for members. Grants fall into two categories –

  1. For attendance at WVPA meetings (for which an announcement is made with a deadline by which application has to be made)
  2. Travel associated with any other educational purpose


Grants are intended to assist members to attend meetings and other educational opportunities which, without the grant, they would not be able to do. Grant applications must be submitted on the official form. In the case of repeated applications the WVPA reserve the right to offer a reduced grant.

Grants for attendance at WVPA meetings will only be paid personally to the recipient at the meeting.

The Houghton Trust International Travel Grants

The Houghton Trust receives royalties generated by the sale of the journal Avian Pathology. A fund has been established to provide grants to young research workers of any nationality for undertaking the following:

    1. Attendance and participation in scientific meetings.
    2. Short visits to laboratories for discussion and/or learning specific techniques.
    3. Attendance at appropriate training courses.

It is an absolute requirement that the grant will be used in furtherance of research on avian diseases. Applicants should normally be aged 35 or under.

Grants may be awarded in full or in part; most awards are for only part of the cost. Applicants are more likely to be successful if they can show that attempts have been made to obtain part of the funding from other sources, including their employer.

Potential applicants are advised to apply many months before the scientific meetings etc. If exact cost are not known then a good estimate should be given. The Houghton Trust Grants Subcommittee will consider applications on three occasions each year. The deadlines for applications are 14th of February, June and November.

Applications must be made on a form which is available from:

The Trust is a company by guarantee, registered in England No. 1534794. Registered Office: Compton, Berkshire, RG20 7NN. Charity Commision Reference No. 281834

Avian Pathology Lecture Award

sponsored by The Houghton Trust

On the occasion of each World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA) Congress, the Houghton Trust sponsors the Avian Pathology Lecture (formerly the Houghton Trust Lecture), which is given by a young scientist, preferably not more than 45 years old, who has made major contributions to the field of poultry disease research.

To mark the occasion, the Lecturer is presented with a certificate and an engraved commemorative award. All costs of attending the Congress at which the Lecture is given are met by the Houghton Trust.

Nomination for the Avian Pathology Lecturer

The next Houghton Trust Lecture will be given at the WVPA Congress to be held in Bangkok in September 2019. Nominations can be made in two ways:

      1. By the Corresponding Secretary of a National Branch of the WVPA
      2. By an individual member of the WVPA.

In either case, the nomination must be on the form available for download HERE.


      • Potential candidates may not nominate themselves
      • The maximum age of candidates is preferably not more than 45 years old at the time of the relevant congress
      • Unsuccessful candidates may be re-nominated on a subsequent occasion, provided they still meet the necessary requirements

Prof. Dr Clara Marin Orenga
Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera
7 C/ Tirant Lo Blanc,
46115 Patriarca, Spain

The Officers of the WVPA, after due consultation, will make a short-list of SIX candidates, which will then be forwarded to the Grants Subcommittee of the Houghton Trust, who will choose the Avian Pathology Lecturer.

Past winner of the former Houghton (now Avian Pathology) Lecture Award

Year Name Country Topic
2019 Dr Mattia Cecchinato Italy Infectious bronchitis
2017 Dr Mark Stevens UK Gram negative bacteria
2015 Dr Dieter Liebhart Austria Histomonosis
2013 Dr Filip Van Imerseel Belgium Necrotic enteritis
2011 Dr Erica Spackman USA Viral diagnostics
2009 Dr Pete Kaiser UK Avian immunology
2007 Dr Amir Noormohammadi Australia Mycoplasmas
2005 Dr Ilaria Capua Italy Avian Influenza
2003 Dr Vladimir Zelnik Slovakia Marek’s disease
2002 Dr Khatijah Yusoff Malaysia Newcastle disease
1997 Dr Isabelle Kempf France Mycoplasmas
1993 Dr Paul Barrow UK Salmonellosis

The Avian Pathology Asian Lecture

Sponsored by the Houghton Trust, the Avian Pathology Asian Lecture is presented at the WVPA Asian meeting

The Avian Pathology Asian Lecturer is selected by the Houghton Trust following consultation with the WVPA

Previous lecturers are listed below

Year Name Country
2018 Dr G. Dhinakar Raj India
2016 Mr A. R. Omar Malaysia
2014 Prof. Dr Md Rafiqul Islam Bangladesh
2012 Assoc. Prof. Dr Thaweeksak Songserm Thailand

The Bart Rispens Research Award

The Dr. Bart Rispens Research Award (BRRA) was established in 1973, in memory of the Dutch poultry veterinarian. The goal of the Dr. Bart Rispens Memorial Award Fund, an initiative of his former colleague Dr. Henk Maas, is to honour the great contribution of Dr. Rispens to the control of Marek’s disease.

Marek’s vaccine CVI988, which was developed as part of the research of Dr. Rispens, is successfully used to prevent Marek’s disease in poultry all over the world. The vaccine had been made available to the vaccine industry free of charge only because of the attitude of Dr. Rispens towards commercialisation of research subsidised by the government.

The Award will be given biennially to the first author of the best paper published in the WVPA journal Avian Pathology during the two calendar years preceding the WVPA Congress. The recipient of the Award is elected by the Dr. Bart Rispens Research Award Committee, which includes representatives of the Board of the WVPA, a representative of Avian Pathology, a representative of the corporate sponso,r MSD Animal Health, and four other appointed scientists.

The Bart Rispens Award for the best paper in Avian Pathology in 2015-16 and is supported by MSD Animal Health was won by Dr Remco Dijkman

The Award consists of a medallion, a certificate and a monetary award. Further information about the Award can be obtained from the Secretary of the Award Committee, Prof. Dr. H. M. Hafez ().

Previous winners of this award are listed below.

Year Name Country
2023 Dr Cameron Ellington UK
2021 Dr Adrien Lion France
2019 Dr Michael Papah Balak USA/Kenya
2017 Dr Remco Dijkman Netherlands
2015 Dr Kylie A Hewson Australia
2013 Dr Kyung-il Kang USA
2011 Dr A. Feberwee Netherlands
2009 Dr J. S. Baigent United Kingdom
2007 Dr David E. Swayne USA
2005 Dr R. Raue Germany
2003 Dr Andre Steentjes Netherlands
2001 Dr A. A. Olkowski Canada
1999 Dr J. Ignjatovich Australia
1997 Dr L. D. Bacon USA
1995 Dr D. Benčina Slovenia
1993 Dr K. J. Fahey Australia
1991 Dr M. Goryo Japan
1989 Dr B. E. Engström Sweden
1987 Dr K. A. Schat USA
1985 Dr D. Cavanagh United Kingdom
1983 Dr R. L. Witter USA
1981 Dr V. von Bülow Germany
1979 Dr B. J. McFerran Northern Ireland
1977 Dr C. A. W. Jackson Australia

The WVPA-Zoetis Young Poultry Veterinarian Award

This Award was launched in 2012 and is presented annually to a young (less than 35 years old) poultry veterinarian who is seen to be a credit to the profession, who is an ambassador and a communicator and who would be seen as a worthy winner by all sections of the poultry industry.

The Award is judged by a panel of members of the WVPA and is led by the President of the WVPA. This panel shall have a broad base and be balanced in its composition. The Award is generously supported by Zoetis. The recipient of the Award receives $US5,000, which is to be used to attend scientific meetings in order to further develop their professional knowledge.

The WVPA Young Veterinarian of the Year Award is presented at the WVPA’s biennial congress and at the WVPA Asia Meeting in the intervening years. Details on how to apply are notified to all national branches of WVPA, announced in the media and placed on the WVPA website.

Previous winners of this award are listed below.

Year Name Country
2019 Dr Yun Ting Wang Taiwan
2018 Dr Mary Talatu Angani Nigeria
2017 Dr Gowthaman Vasudevan India
2016 Dr Dennis Umali Philippines
2015 Mr Maximillian Sim Kwang Hui Malaysia
2014 Mr Adrian Knoetze South Africa
2013 Mr Philip Hammond United Kingdom
2012 Dr Kelli Holloway Jones USA

The WVPA-Boehringer Ingelheim Innovation in Vaccination Award

This Award was launched in 2015 and is awarded at each global WVPA Congress to a poultry veterinarian or avian health scientist for an outstanding contribution in the field of innovation in poultry vaccination.

The Award is judged by a panel of representatives from WVPA and Boehringer Ingelheim and is chaired by the President of the WVPA. The recipient of the Award receives €5,000 to help fund his/her ongoing professional development or training as well as a suitable memento of the occasion.

The WVPA-Boehringer Ingelheim Innovation in Vaccination Award is presented at the WVPA’s biannual global congress and in intervening years at the WVPA Asia Meeting. Details on how to apply are notified to all national branches of WVPA, announced in the media and placed on the WVPA website.

This award was previously known as the WVPA-Merial Innovation in Vaccination Award.

Previous winners of this award are listed below.

Year Name Country
2017 Prof. Dr Nikolaus Osterrieder Germany
2016 Prof. Dr Mohd Hair Bejo Malaysia
2015 Dr Siba K Samal USA

The WVPA-Evonik Award for Intestinal Health in Poultry

This award was launched in 2020 and is presented at each global WVPA Congress to a poultry veterinarian or avian health scientist for an outstanding contribution in the field of Intestinal Health in Poultry.

The World Health Organization (WHO) in its Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance has called for prudence in administering drugs, even to animals, and has also drawn attention to their continuous use in animal nutrition. One approach to change this is to strengthen the immune systems of the animals. Over 100 billion bacteria — more than 10 times the number of people on earth — live in the gut of a chicken. Until recently these minute intestinal denizens were no more than digestive aids and vitamin producers; today they are regarded as a key to health and wellbeing.

The Award is judged by a panel of representatives from WVPA and Evonik and is chaired by an executive officer of the WVPA. The recipient of the Award receives €5,000 to help fund their ongoing professional development or training, along with a suitable memento of the occasion.

The WVPA-Evonik Award for Intestinal Health in Poultry is presented at the WVPA’s biannual global congress and in intervening years at the WVPA Asia Meeting.

Details on how to apply are notified to all national branches of WVPA, announced in the media and placed on the WVPA website.