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WVPA World Congress
The WVPA Congress is held every two years. The venue is decided at the Congress four years before and rotates between Europe and the rest of the world.
Bidding procedure for hosting a WVPA Congress
The bidding procedure for hosting a WVPA Congress was adopted by the WVPA Bureau at its meeting in Budapest in 1997. The procedure to be followed by any WVPA national branch who wish to bid to host a WVPA Congress can be accessed HERE.
Past Congress Venues
No. | Year | City | Country |
XXII | 2023 | Verona | Italy |
XXI | 2019 | Bangkok | Thailand |
XX | 2017 | Edinburgh | Scotland |
XIX | 2015 | Cape Town | South Africa |
XVIII | 2013 | Nantes | France |
XVII | 2011 | Cancun | Mexico |
XVI | 2009 | Marrakesh | Morocco |
XV | 2007 | Beijing | Peoples Republic of China |
XIV | 2005 | Istanbul | Turkey |
XIII | 2003 | Denver | USA |
XII | 2002 | Cairo | Egypt |
XI | 1997 | Budapest | Hungary |
X | 1993 | Sydney | Australia |
IX | 1989 | Brighton | United Kingdom |
VIII | 1985 | Jerusalem | Israel |
VII | 1981 | Oslo | Norway |
VI | 1977 | Atlanta | USA |
V | 1973 | München | Germany |
IV | 1969 | Belgrade | Yugoslavia |
III | 1965 | Paris | France |
II | 1962 | Cambridge | United Kingdom |
1st | 1960 | Utrecht | The Netherlands |
The WVPA Asia Meeting
In recognition of the importance of poultry production in Asia WVPA decided in 2011 to hold a regular meeting in Asia. The first WVPA Asia Meeting was held in October 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand and was co-hosted by the TPVA (Thai Poultry Veterinary Association) and WVPA.
The inaugural meeting took ‘Poultry Vaccination’ as its theme and was attended by some 145 delegates from 15 countries – this had risen to over 350 delegates at the 2016 meeting in Manila.
At the Manila meeting in 2016 it was agreed by the attending Asian branches, to set up a structure under which the Asian branches would have more control of this event.
Past WVPA Asia Meetings
No. | Year | City | Country |
5th | 2020 | Dhaka | Bangladesh |
4th | 2018 | Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia |
3rd | 2016 | Manila | Philippines |
2nd | 2014 | Bangkok | Thailand |
1st | 2012 | Bangkok | Thailand |