The World Veterinary Poultry Association

Forming a branch

Forming a branch of World Veterinary Poultry Association

WVPA currently has 47 national branches as detailed in the list of the Corresponding Secretaries.

New national branches are normally formed in either two ways:

  1. An existing or newly formed national body representing veterinary poultry interests may ask the Bureau of WVPA to be recognised as a WVPA branch, with its members joining WVPA.
  2. A group of individual WVPA members in a country may join together to form a national branch. Such a branch needs to be approved by the Bureau of WVPA.

Only one national branch will be recognised for any one country, although regional sub branches of a national branch could be formed.

Any country with twenty or more WVPA members is entitled to one representative on the Bureau, elected by the national members. This Bureau member also acts as the Corresponding Secretary for that country. Countries without a Bureau member may appoint a Corresponding Secretary, or be represented by a Corresponding Secretary appointed by the WVPA Secretary/Treasurer. The duties of the Corresponding Sercretary are to maintain a contact with the WVPA parent body, to keep national members informed of all the WVPA matters which concern them, and to collect annual subscriptions.

Any person interested in forming a national branch of WVPA should write with details of the proposal to the WVPA Secretary/Treasurer, Dr. Francois-Xavier Le Gros, who will provide further help and information. Details of the functioning of WVPA are laid down in its Constitution and Rules.

Corresponding Secretaries of national branches

Here are the names and contact details of the secretaries for each of the national branches. Clicking on the ‘arrow’ will display the postal address for that secretary and the branch website if available.


Prof Mohmamed El Houadfi | 

Inst. Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II
Départment de Pathologie Aviaire
BP 6202-Instituts


Dr Jozef Kalus | 

Slovenská Asociácia Aviárnej Medicíny
Urbárska 26
SK – 951 12 Ivanka pri
Slovak Republic Slovakia


Dr Sarah Albini | 

National Reference Center for Poultry and Rabbit Diseases Vetsuisse Faculty
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstr. 270
Switzerland CH