The World Veterinary Poultry Association

Executive Committee of the World Veterinary Poultry Association

Current Executive Committee Members of the World Veterinary Poultry Association


Prof Sjaak de Wit


Prof Sjaak de Wit

Sjaak received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the Utrecht University in the Netherlands in 1989 and obtained his PhD at the same university in 1997. The title of his thesis was Infectious bronchitis virus in broilers, detection and transmission. Sjaak has held a permanent position at Royal GD (former GD Animal Health), Deventer, the Netherlands since 1989. He started as poultry veterinarian, his current position at GD is senior researcher. Since 2019, Sjaak combines the position at GD with the position as Professor Integral Poultry Health at the Veterinary Faculty of the Utrecht University.

He has been actively involved in applied research related to the diagnosis and control of poultry diseases, especially viral diseases as IBV, IBDV, NDV, and AI.

Since 2006, he is one of the associate editors of Avian Pathology. In 2007, Sjaak was one of the founding members of the European College for Poultry Veterinary Science. In 2013, he was inducted as an inaugural member of the Hall of Honour of WVPA.


Dr Nicolas Eterradossi

Past President

Dr Nicolas Eterradossi

Nicolas received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the National Veterinary School of Nantes, France, in 1989 and specialised in intensive animal production at the National Agronomic School in Rennes, France, in 1990. He was trained as a molecular virologist at the Pasteur institute in Paris (1995) and obtained his PhD in molecular virology from Rennes University (1998).

Nicolas has held a permanent position at the National Laboratory for Avian Pathology (now Anses-Ploufragan Plouzané laboratory) since 1991. After more than 30 years as a researcher eventually leading the avian and rabbit virology and parasitology (VIPAC) research unit and serving as a WOAH expert for infectious bursal disease and avian metapneumovirus infections, Nicolas is now head of the laboratory.

In 2007, Nicolas was one of the founding members of the European College for Poultry Veterinary Sciences, for which he has served as Vice President and still is a diplomate.

Nicolas served as Corresponding Officer for the French branch of WVPA from 2001 to 2018, as such, he contributed to organising the XVIIIth WVPA congress in 2013 in Nantes, France. He joined the WVPA executive in 2015.


Prof Dr Clara Marin Orenga

Vice President

Prof Dr Clara Marin Orenga

Dr. Clara Marín Orenga is a Professor of Microbiology and Avian Infectious Diseases at the Veterinary Faculty of CEU Cardenal Herrera University in Valencia, Spain. She obtained her Doctoral Thesis in 2009 with European Mention.

Since 2010, she has been the principal investigator of the research group ‘Improvement of food safety in the productive system and its derived products: from farm to fork’. Her research focuses on studying Salmonella epidemiology with the aim of controlling its spread in food.

Dr. Marín has been a European Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Sciences since 2014. She served as the coordinator of the Educational Committee of the European college from 2016 to 2021 and later as a member of the executive committee until 2023. Additionally, she has been an Expert for the European Commission since 2021.


Prof Dr Rafiqul Islam


Prof Dr Rafiqul Islam

Dr. Md Rafiqul Islam is a veterinary pathologist with special interest in avian pathology. He obtained his PhD from the University of Liverpool, UK. He was a Humboldt Fellow at the Institute of Virology, University of Leipzig, Germany.

He has recently retired as a Professor of Veterinary Pathology from Bangladesh Agricultural University. Most of his research work focused on avian reovirus, infectious bursal disease virus and avian influenza virus. He received the Bangladesh Academy of Science Gold Medal for his research contributions. He was the founder President of the Bangladesh Branch of World Veterinary Poultry Association.

He was a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Avian Pathology journal. He was inducted to WVPA Hall of Honor in 2017. Dr. Islam is currently working as the Senior National Technical Advisor – One Health at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in Bangladesh.

Dr Thijs Manders


Dr Thijs Manders

Added soon


Prof Dr David Swayne

Ordinary Officer

Prof Dr David Swayne

Dr. David E. Swayne is a veterinarian with specialization as a Veterinary Pathologist and Poultry Veterinarian.

For the past 37 years, his personal research has focused on control of avian influenza. He serves in a leadership role at OFFLU, the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) and Food and Agriculture Organization network of animal influenza experts. Previously, he served for 28 1/2 years as the Laboratory Director of the Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory of the USDA in Athens, Georgia, USA and for 7 years as a tenured faculty member at The Ohio State University.

He is currently a private veterinarian consulting on avian influenza control and an Adjunct Professor in Department of Population Health, Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center, College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia.


Prof Dr Aini Ideris

Ordinary Officer

Prof Dr Aini Ideris

Dr Aini pioneered poultry vaccines development in Malaysia and has outstanding contributions in poultry health, nationally and internationally. She plays an instrumental role in advancing efforts towards food security and sustainable food production in developing countries. Based on her contributions, she was elected to various Fellowships, such as, Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Fellow Islamic World Academy of Sciences (IAS), Senior Fellow Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM), Founding Fellow Malaysian College of Veterinary Specialists (MCVS), Fellow Malaysian Scientific Association (MSA) and Fellow Institute of Marketing Malaysia (IMM). She is also, Inaugural Member Hall of Honour, World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA).

Dr Aini was the Vice President of WVPA (Global) from 2015-2019 and the Founding President of WVPA (Malaysia). She was the 8th Vice Chancellor of Universiti Putra Malaysia (2016-2020) and currently the Pro-Chancellor of International Medical University Malaysia.

Greg Cilliers

Dr Greg Cilliers

Website Manager

Dr Greg Celliers

Dr Greg Celliers is a poultry veterinarian with 16 year’s experience in the industry.

He started his veterinary career working in the pharmaceutical industry and after a period of 5 year joined The Poultry Practice as a consulting veterinarian. During this period he consulted to farms and integrators in Southern Africa. In 2018 he worked full time for Kuipers group commercial egg division and shortly thereafter was approached by Hy-Line International to be their technical services manager. He has visited poultry operations in 51 countries and has exposure to every production system and level. On returning to South Africa he worked with Eagles Pride Hatchery providing veterinary services to customers and their in-house growers.

Dr Celliers served as the Chairperson for the South African Poultry Association. He served as the external examiner of the 5th year poultry module at the veterinary faculty of the University of Pretoria. He is passionate about people and poultry and enjoys new challenges.


Prof Damer Blake

Ex Committee

Prof Damer Blake

Damer Blake is Professor of Parasite Genetics at the Royal Veterinary College in the UK. He is also Editor-in-Chief of the journal Avian Pathology. He is interested in parasites which infect birds, including aspects of genetics, diagnostics and vaccine development, as well as bacterial co-infections and host immune responses.

Damer graduated with a degree in Animal Science from Wye College (University of London) in 1997. Following an MSc in Pig Production, he completed a PhD in bacterial genetics, both at the University of Aberdeen. After the completion of his PhD in 2001 he took up a post at the Institute for Animal Health (IAH) working on avian coccidiosis. In 2010 Damer joined the Royal Veterinary College, where he was appointed professor in 2016.