The World Veterinary Poultry Association

Bernard Kouwenhoven

Bernard Kouwenhoven

Born: 1938 (The Netherlands)
Inducted: 2013

Bernard (Ben) Kouwenhoven, born in Woudsend, Friesland, The Netherlands, qualified as DVM at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands (1962). After a short time in large animal practice, he returned to the above University for research into and teaching of tropical and protozoan diseases. His PhD degree, obtained in 1970 under Prof Dr D Zwart and Dr C J G van der Horst, dealt with the pathophysiology and immunology of Eimeria acervulina infection in chickens.

In 1970 he became head of the laboratory of the Poultry Health Institute in Doorn. Along with his management tasks, he worked on the pathology and immunology of avian virus infections. In collaboration with his colleagues this resulted in, among other things, day-old vaccination against Infectious Bronchitis (IB), isolation of and vaccination against newly emerged (haemagglutinating) IB variant viruses like D-274 and D-1466, and development of a formula using ELISA data to calculate the optimal vaccination age against (very virulent) Gumboro virus. Optimizing vaccination against reovirus tenosynovitis and infectious laryngotracheïtis, and newly emerged diseases such as EDS’76 and Malabsorption (Runting and Stunting) Syndrome were other research subjects. A variant Newcastle disease virus affecting racing pigeons was isolated and vaccination against it initiated.

Dr Kouwenhoven retired after the Doorn laboratory closed and moved to the Animal Health Service in Deventer in 1996. There, up to 2003, he taught virus infections in the bi-annual international course on poultry diseases for young veterinarians. Until 2009 he also was active as a voluntary expert in poultry diseases in developing countries for the Netherlands Management Cooperation Programme, a non-profit organisation of the Netherlands Ministry of Economical Affairs.

He is an active member of the Royal Netherlands Veterinary Society and frequently attends scientific meetings of the Dutch WVPA branch.

He is married to Trudie van Dijk, has two grown children, daughter Anne Louise and son Bernard Axel, and a granddaughter Noa Barbara.

He practices Jiu Jitsu in which he has a black belt, enjoys sailing, canoeing, cycling, skiing, ice-skating, gardening and keeps honey bees. He is an active Rotarian and a member of a society for meteorology and astronomy.